Japan Disabilty Forum

Akira Kodama, First President

JDF, the Japan Disability Forum took its departure by 11 initiating organizations of/for persons with disabilities in October 31, 2004.

The movement of people with disabilities in Japan has a long history of more than half a century. Entering the 21st century, the disability movement is expanded by supporting each other through broader solidarity with respects of the originality, the characteristics, and expertise of each organization.

Since the International Year of Disabled Persons in 1981, each person, who has joined the disability movement, has continuously worked hard. We have learnt the importance and the value of solidarity through the promotional activities of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons started in 1993, and the success of organization of the International Forum on Disabilities to mark the End Year of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons held in Japan in the year 2002 by our joint efforts.

In 1999 the formation of IDA, the International Disability Alliance gave an impact to Japan and led to the linkage between international and domestic activities. The disability movement has entered into a new era.

And now, we 11 organizations have determined to unite and take an action together and set up four committees of important issues, those are for the establishment of the International Convention, promotion of the new Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons (2003-2012) and related matters on Asia Pacific Disability Forum, development of “Basic Plan” and other measures for persons with disabilities and realization of anti-discrimination law in Japan. We wish to pledge our full commitment through the formation of JDF.

During the period of the new Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, JDF will energetically make policy proposals with the spirit of cross disabilities and beyond the existing concept of the disability movement.
I would like to call your further attention to our activities.

Member Organizations

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