Part 1 : Writing a project introduction

Ex. This proposal responds to a number of the goals listed in the Foundation’s [insert] focus area. Most specifically it responds to the following goals :


Nonprofit Community Building Project

This proposal corresponds directly to the Q Foundation’s commitment to promoting projects which enhance communication, develop strong ties and foster mutual knowledge between people and organizations in the US and Japan. In appealing to the Q’s devotion to educating about concrete issues in each country developing links between nonprofit/nongovernment organizations, Japan-U.S. Community Education and Exchange (JUCEE) is requesting 2-year partial funding for our Nonprofit Community Building Project at the rate of approximately \8,300,000 per cycle.

Key elements :

  • Program/project title
  • Organization applying
  • Related to foundation priorities, use key terms, same or similar terms that are in their information booklet, brochure or website.
  • Introduce key themes: show need, vision and expected impact

Group work 1 : Project Introduction

Return to your original project ideas discussed earlier :

FIRST discuss then outline your plan on paper (1 PAGE)

  • An explanation of how the project fits within the Foundation’s core issues areas
  • The purpose of the project for which funds are being requested

Write up the introduction paragraph and include

  • Project title
  • Organization
  • Relationship to foundation priorities
  • Vision and/or impact
Copied title and URL