PART 5 : The budget

Budget section :
*before even thinking about this know what they will fund or not ….

    Start with general categories

    • Adminstration/shared costs (personnel, rent, telephone etc) (5-15%)
    • Direct program costs (renting a hall for a forum, getting the participants to the place, training materials translation etc.)
    • Indirect costs ( 0-15%)

    Preparing your budget :

  1. Know your project
  2. Outline each part of project & assess what you need – in detail
  3. Breakdown phases of project and what you will need
  4. Get reasonable estimates (may be asked to see quotes)
  5. Include overhead/shared costs
  6. Make a simple spread sheet
  7. Be realistic about staff time and costs
  8. Clarify format they require
  9. Clarify what they will or will not cover
  10. Clarify format and how much detail is necessary
  11. Make a complete spread sheet
  12. Make sure easy to understand and no errors!
  13. Add budget explanation sheet if necessary
  14. Have a third party check it.

Budget for the full proposal


Revenue :

Support :

  • In-kind items and services
  • Gifts
  • Other income


  • Personnel costs (salary, benefits etc.)
  • Consultant fees
  • Office supplies
  • Equipment
  • Postage/mailing
  • Printing
  • Travel : local, domestic, staff, program participants etc.
  • Shared/common : rent, telephone, etc.

Be as accurate as possible : you do not want to return funds and have to find revenue for other costs incurred.

Group work 5 : Preparing the budget


FIRST discuss then outline your plan on paper (1 PAGE)

  1. Outline the needs for these categories :
    • Adminstration/shared costs
    • Direct program costs
    • Indirect costs ( 0-15%)
  2. Detail the requested funding amount
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