Chapter 2 Welfare for Persons with Physical Disabilities

The number of persons with physical disabilities in Akita prefecture was 54,221 as of the end of March 2005. This represents an increase of 8.5% compared with the population of 49,987 in 2000. A breakdown showed that this population is comprised of persons with diseases (notably cerebrovascular, ear, joint, and eye and heart conditions) and injuries resulting from traffic accidents or accidents at work.

The complexity, degree of severity, and aging have diversified the needs of persons with physical disabilities and to achieve the welfare objectives of “full participation and equality” of the International Year for Disabled Persons, effort has been made to provide a variety of comprehensive facilities and to promote enterprises that enable those with physical disabilities to live happy and productive lives.

1. Present State of Persons with Physical Disabilities

Number of Persons with Physical Disabilities

(as of March 31, 2005 to the present)
Item/FY FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004
Number of persons with physical disabilities 49,987 50,772 51,890 53,439 54,221
Index 100.0 101.6 103.8 106.9 108.5

Number of Persons with Physical Disabilities According to Disability and Age

(as of March 31, 2005 to the present)
Disability/Age Total Age 0 to 17 Age 18 to 59 Over age 60
Person with visual impairments 4,124 31 764 3,329
Persons with hearing impairments 4,552 101 692 3,759
Persons with disequilibrium 38 0 11 27
Persons with speech – language or mastication disabilities 688 6 138 544
Persons with orthopedic disabilities 33,128 419 6,104 26,605
Persons with heart function disabilities 7,113 110 833 6,170
Persons with kidney function disabilities 1,980 20 797 1,163
Persons with respiration disabilities 1,080 16 53 1,011
Persons with bladder or rectum function disabilities 1,484 14 208 1,262
Persons with small intestine function disabilities 25 2 15 8
Persons with immune disabilities due to HIV 9 0 8 1

Number of Persons with Physical Disabilities According to Disability and Grade

(as of March 31, 2005 to the present)
Disability / Grade Total Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Total 54,221 15,564 10,764 10,440 10,173 3,676 3,604
Person with visual disability 4,124 1,228 1,038 447 309 526 524
Person with hearing disability 4,552 237 1,090 712 756 21 1,736
Person with disequilibrium 38 0 4 17 2 15 0
Person with speech-language disability or mastication disability 688 15 56 414 203 0 0
Person with orthopedic disability 33,128 6,820 8,442 6,510 6,905 3,107 1,344
Person with heart function Disability 7,113 5,332 46 1,428 307 0 0
Person with kidney function disability 1,980 1,744 21 177 38 0 0
Person with respiration disabilities 1,080 142 50 651 235 2 0
erson with bladder or rectum function disabilities 1,484 5 9 61 1,409 0 0
Person with small intestine function disabilities 25 12 0 2 11 0 0
Person with immune disability due to HIV 9 5 3 0 1 0 0
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