
Since the program is being lunched for the first time, there is a need to carefully plan the activities in terms of administrative, financial supports and development of curriculum. An agreement/ MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) needs to be drawn with concerned government agencies to ensure their support and involvement in the program. The major planning activities may include:

  1. Analyse the socio-economic and educational background of the people in the community. Should be done through the Dzongkhag/ Prefectural government.
  2. Conduct training needs/Assess applicability of skills to local situation for income-generation by the Department of Human Resources.
  3. Establish linkages with local community/ Vocational Training Institutes to share facilities and resources. Done through the note sheet approval from the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources.
  4. Study the needs of person with the disabilities and how to encourage them through surveying in each Dzongkhag/Prefectural govement.
  5. To make aware of general public that PWDs can do something through media and visiting work place.

B. Implementation and Management Aspects:

The success of the program very much depends on how well they are implemented and managed. Department of Adult and Higher Education, Ministry of Education will execute the program while implementation will be done in collaboration with the Department of Human Resources, Ministry of Labour and Human Resources. Program will be initiated from the start of 2005-2006 financial years, with the development of curriculum and awareness workshop. Actual field implementation will be done from 2006-2007 financial years after the development of curriculum and funds identified. Once two Ministries endorse the program, it will be a regular program in the future.

Funding for the program will be sought from Royal Government of Bhutan and other external donors such as JICA, ADB, UNSCO. Department of Adult and Higher Education will bear all the expenditure for the training and workshops, including the cost for the trainees during training and the institution fees as applicable. The Department of Human Resources will meet the expenditure for tools and equipment only for training and other related expenses for the trainers

14. Roles and Responsibilities of Implementing Agencies:

A. Department of Education

  1. Assist DHR to conduct training needs assessment.
  2. Coordinate with Dzongkhag/ Prefectural to identify and invite participants.
  3. Arrange and provide venue, food and lodging for participants
  4. Mobilise the support of the local community for on-site training
  5. Arrange training materials
  6. Coordinate and organise training
  7. Promote an understanding of income generating concept in the community

B. Department of Human Resources

  1. Conduct training needs assessment jointly with Dzongkhag, and Department of Education.
  2. Prepare training plan, proposals, including budget requirement
  3. Develop curriculum for the skill training.
  4. Arrange tools and equipment for training.
  5. Select trainers to conduct the training.
  6. Undertake vocational guidance and counselling.

C. Joint responsibilities (DHR / DoE / Dzongkhag)

  1. Conduct training needs assessment
  2. Monitor and evaluate the programme at every stage of implementation
  3. Plan for expansion of skill training programme.
  4. Provide necessary support for dissemination of skills to PWDs learners / communities.

D. Bhutan chamber of commercial industry (BCCI) responsibilities

  1. Give orientation on job opportunities in the private sector.
  2. Make link between the government and private company.
  3. Recruit company people to the vocational training Institute through DHR
  4. Can help in interviewing the candidates

15. Network and linkages:

a. Network and linkages:

Network and linkages will be established with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Department of Employment, Entrepreneurship Promotion Centre, Bhutan Development Finance Corporation (BDFC), Bhutan chamber of commercial industry (BCCI). During the Skill Training, relevant officials from these organizations will be invited to advocate and brief the procedure for assistance in establishment of small scale enterprise and rural entrepreneurship.

b. Future challenges:

  • Established law for PWDs
  • Well defined objectives of disabilities.
  • Provide intuitional services
  • Provide home help services
  • To promote social participation to achieve happiness.
  • Conduct training program based on the needs of the society.
  • Community takes responsibilities in improving quality to their lives.
  • Promote sports centers
  • Established shelter workshop/ club house.
  • Create job opportunities/ employment
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