Basic Structural Reform of Social Welfare

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To support the independent and diversified living of welfare service users in their families and communities, while maintaining their dignity as individuals.

Directions of the Basic Structural Reform of Social Welfare

  1. Establishment of equal relationship between welfare service users and providers
  2. Comprehensive support in communities
  3. Promotion of participation by various entities
  4. Ensuring of high-quality and efficient services
  5. Ensuring of transparent management of operations
  6. Equal and fair contributions
  7. Creation of welfare culture

Amendments of the social welfare service laws

Social Welfare Law

  • Modifications of the objectives, principles and provisions of the law
  • Appropriate utilization of welfare services
  • Promotion of regional welfare

Law for the Welfare of Physically Disabled Persons

  • Stipulation of the legal status of businesses that provide counseling assistance and sign-language interpretation

Law for the Welfare of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities

  • Stipulation of the legal status of businesses that provide counseling assistance and day-care services

Appropriate utilization of welfare services

  • Provision of information
  • Issuance of documents upon concluding a contract for use of services
  • Measures for improvement of the quality of welfare services
  • Businesses that provide assistance in the utilization of welfare services
  • Solving of complaints by managers of social welfare businesses
  • Committee for the Proper Management of Welfare Services

(Social Welfare Law)

Subsidy system


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